2023 Senior Design Team Focuses on Rural Water Treatment
A senior design team at Montana Tech, comprised of Grace Mulholland, Jesskika Harman, Colter Ore, and Bridget Lee share their innovative plan for wastewater treatment that is innovative and cost-effective for rural communities with limited budgets and staff, particularly those in desert regions that are at higher drought risk.
Senior Design Team Creates 'Green' Concrete
Five Montana Tech seniors have spent much of the past year working through a senior design project where they test whether or not waste mine tailings from the Yankee Doodle Tailings Pond could be used in a growing environmentally friendly industry.
Microplastics Pollution Mitigation
A senior design team called Digger Detection focused on developing a system that serves as a first step to microplastic pollution mitigation.
Connect with CERA.

If you have questions or ideas for collaboration, please reach out.

Dr. Robin Bullock
Interim Director of CERA